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#1894 Scanning Invintory

Posted by sakatam on 18 September 2007 - 03:50 PM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

I work for a small business and we are growing really fast.... oh yes the questions, We are trying a new method of invintory control, one idea that we had is to scan a product and be able to thermal print (remotely) on a sticker (about 1" X 3/4" being the biggest) our stock number, with that does anyone have any hardware and software that we can use with MOM v5.4 that we can use to achieve this? The other question that i have with that same scanner take a order about 2 up to 200 items and scan in those items and the scanner says "MISSING ## OF ITEMS" <--- something like that while being able to pack things and or palletized them? We are trying not to miss anything on our orders.

If anyone has an idea please help me out in any way possible, Thanks in advance for helping :)