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#1795 denied credit cards

Posted by iligancity on 13 April 2007 - 08:23 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

sorry, i'll try this one

thank chris, i'll this one,

#1794 denied credit cards

Posted by iligancity on 13 April 2007 - 08:22 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

thank chris, i'll this one,

Those are just the automated notices. MOM allows you to create many more for other situations.

Go to Maintain : Advertising Information : Customer Notices

We created one called CD (Card Declined) that we send from within the customer's order as soon as it declines. Below is a copy of our notice:

Thank you for your most recent credit card order with us. Unfortunately there is a problem with your card information.

The card number you provided us with an expiration of %%exp was declined when we attempted to charge it.

Please check with your bank or card agency on this matter. We will attempt to run your credit card for three business days; after which your order will be changed into a quotation if we have not successfully charged your card or heard from you.

If you have any questions, please contact us at the number below.
Thank you again for your business!

CUSTOMER: %%name

#1780 denied credit cards

Posted by iligancity on 29 March 2007 - 08:57 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

is there somebody out there who can figure out how to send denied credit card notices from mom? in notices tab of the global parameter maintenance, there's only 3 choices to send, shipping order, and delivery. i hope someone of you guys can help me :unsure: thanks