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#1810 Orders placed on hold

Posted by rose on 27 April 2007 - 11:12 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

The design of this function is a bit confusing to me.

If an order is being entered by one user who places it on hold (perhaps pending further information) and then that user is unavailable for a while (terminated, reassigned, ill, on vacation, at lunch, busy, etc.,) there seems to be no way for other users to take over and complete the order.

Is there a setting to allow orders on hold to be accessed by other users, or reassigned to another user? I'd love for all users who can enter/edit orders to see a list of all orders on hold, perhaps with a column indicating who it's assigned to, and a "reassign" button available for users who are allowed to reassign orders on hold. If a person who is allowed to reassign orders on hold tries to open an order that is assigned to someone else, they should be prompted as to whether they want to have it reassigned to themself.

Thanks for any info!

We put our orders on "permanent hold" - that way anyone can open the order.