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#1229 MOM Training

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 13 January 2006 - 09:15 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

Hello Michelle,

I'll let the MOM users relate their opinions about the in-house M.O.M. training, since they are the best ones to say if it's worth it or not.

However, if you'd rather not come to NJ or if you have a group of people to train, then you can always look into having M.O.M. Helpers come to your location.

For more information on that, feel free to contact:
Toll-free: 1-866-280-0350
Email : [email protected]

If you need more info on this or our in-house training, please feel free to contact a M.O.M. Account Rep at 800-858-3666.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Custom Work: [email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#1142 Google Spidering Dydacomp Servers

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 10 November 2005 - 08:22 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Custom Work: [email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#1103 Google updated PageRank listings

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 26 October 2005 - 08:46 AM in General Sitelink Discussion


Anyone can find negativity in any situation. That's like wining the lottery and only complaining about all the taxes you'll have to pay.

And yes, what I am saying is that SiteLINK 5 was designed with Search Engine Optimization in mind, and that our efforts are showing off. Complaints about older version of SiteLINK are moot, as they weren't designed knowing what we now know about SEO.

In an older post you specifically tried to bash SiteLINK 5's design saying it doesn't do well in search engines (especially Google), and you said "the proof of the puddin' is in the eating". Well, I've eaten the puddin' and it's tastes pretty good.

Of course I'm going to defend my product, and report it's successes to those who may be interested. I'm proud of SiteLINK, I'm proud of MOM, and I don't think you can find a better product out on the market.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Custom Work: [email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#1081 Google updated PageRank listings

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 20 October 2005 - 07:27 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

I am extremely pleased to announce that it seems that Google did a massive update to their PageRank listings last night, and now every SiteLINK 5 store has a PageRanking, with most sites having a PageRank all the way down to the individual product listing page.

When we released SiteLINK 5 in the beginning of the year, we knew we had created a software with SEO in mind. However, even after setting up many sites on the new version of SiteLINK, we were concerned that these site's PageRanks weren't going up. The number of pages that were listed on Google had increased, so we knew that Google's spiders were able to travel through the site, but why weren't the PageRanks going up?

This became very frustrating not only for us, but for our customers who trusted us to put out a very Search Engine Optimized product. After reading up on it more, I found out the Google usually updated their PageRank listings about 3 times a year, so I felt confident that if we waited for the next update, the sites using SiteLINK 5 would do better. We waited a long time, and finally our patience has been rewarded.

This has been a very good few months for SiteLINK. We now host over 500 SiteLINK stores, we've increased our SiteLINK Technical team, and now all the SiteLINK 5 stores have gotten good Google PageRanks. All in time for the Holiday rush. This is going to be a great holiday season for our SiteLINK and MOM customers, and I can't wait to hear all the great news.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales

#1022 New Sitelink memo encryption

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 20 September 2005 - 09:28 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

Hello longtimemomcaptive,

I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations. I'm sure that your MOM Account Rep would be interested in hearing about your issues so that we can work together to improve your experiences with using MOM.

Dydacomp is always open to hearing from our customers, whether the feedback is positive, negative, or constructive. We strive to build strong, positive relationships with our users, and if there is any way that we haven't met your expectations, we want to hear about it, so that we can do something about it.

What I'd like to add is that no company or product is perfect. At Dydacomp we believe in building great products, while offering very high levels of customer service and support. If there are times we fall short of our high standards, or don't meet our customers expectations, we want to know about it so that we can rectify the situation. However, I speak with many MOM and SiteLINK users every day that say we're not only meeting their expectations, we surpass them.

Getting back to the SiteLINK issue for a moment. When was the last time you investigated SiteLINK? The older versions of SiteLINK were not as sophisticated, however since releasing SiteLINK 5.0 in January, I'd say that our current product is as good or better than any of the other eCommerce programs on the market.

We have SiteLINK stores with every conceivable design layout and feature available. If you're interested in viewing some SiteLINK stores together, please feel free to contact me and I can put together an online demo.

The daily MOM updates are usually just for customer specific changes, so you do not need to download every single one. For additional functionality and features, these enhancements are detailed in the "readme.htm" file found in the same page as the program update. This file details every change made to the system not including customer specific changes. We also send out an email when a there is a mid-version release that every customer should download. For example, if UPS adds additional options, we have to include them with a MOM update. An email would be sent out to MOM customers letting them know of this update.

I would recommend reading the "readme.htm" file once a month or so, just to see if you want or need any of the updates, but besides that, you don't really need to check every single day.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#1019 New Sitelink memo encryption

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 19 September 2005 - 10:16 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

Hello noblenull,

I'd like to reply to your assertion that other third-party solutions can offer a better service than SiteLINK.

"more flexibility"
==> Since SiteLINK is the ONLY eCommerce store designed by Dydacomp specifically for M.O.M., it is the only shopping cart software that offers true 2-way integration.

Therefore, SiteLINK offers the ability to modify your store tremendously through custom design or custom programming to offer almost any concevable design or feature while maintaining it's unique 2-way integration with MOM. Other eCommerce software may say they are flexible, but either their custom features don't work with M.O.M. or they will charge you an arm and a leg to make the modifications to have them work with M.O.M.

SiteLINK is designed with Flexibility in mind. You can modify the layout yourself, hire a third=party designer, or you can have our design team create a custom design specifically for your site.

There is no limit to the features or the design possibilities you can have for your site.

"better performance"
==> I'm not sure specifically what this refers to, but SiteLINK stores offer excellent speed and response rate, and the feature set is unmatched in the industry. You'll have a hard time finding a better performing eCommerce software out in the market.

"quicker updates"
==> The only quicker updates possible would be "real-time" integration, and that is only possible when the eCommerce store and back-end system are on the same server or network. This isn't the case with 99.999% of the eCommerce stores on the web.

Currently SiteLINK offers a 1-click order retrieval and store updating system. This system uses a secure XML data stream that gets your orders from SiteLINK into MOM and them publishes your updates to the web store. Just click the button and your site it updated. What's easier than that?

However, coming soon, SiteLINK will offer an automated upload/download feature that will give your SiteLINK store near-real-time integration. Your MOM system and your SiteLINK store will "talk" to each other on a scheduled period of time without the need to click anything. No other system offers this level of integration with your website (expect those few that have everything hosted on the same network).

We're working on that now and expect it out before the holiday season.

"enhanced SEO"
==> SiteLINK has many features built in specifically for SEO, and the results have been tremendously positive. SiteLINK has a built in Google Sitemap Generator, a Froogle data feed, Meta Tag generators for each product and department, breadcrumb navigation, and many other SEO specific feature. Many SiteLINK stores have thousands of pages indexed on Google.

"more uptime"
==> SiteLINK stores have tremendous uptime. We have 2 battery backup units for our server room, a gas-powered generator for extended power outages, on-server monitoring programs, off-site monitoring programs, and 24/7 tech support. All of these details insure that our SiteLINK stores have the best level of up-time possible.

We've worked very hard over the years to build a first-rate eCommerce software and hosting service for our SiteLINK customers. We're continually looking at ways to improve our product from every area and will continue to offer additional services and enhanced features for SiteLINK and M.O.M.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns about SiteLINK or our hosting facility, or if you are interested in finding out more about what's in store for the future of SiteLINK.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#1018 Google Spidering Dydacomp Servers

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 19 September 2005 - 09:43 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

Thank you for your post, however I wanted to make sure you know that Dydacomp in no way blocks Google's spiders.

Also, SiteLINK stores are doing great on Google, with many SiteLINK Stores having over 1,000 pages indexed on Google.

As an example:
Site - http://www.gamestation.net/ - 3,670 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.aboyd.com/ - 4,050 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.cyberjeep.com/ - 38,900 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.hyperdrug.com/ - 8,030 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.truebluemusic.com/ - 5,170 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.crystalspringsbooks.com/ - 3,910 pages on Google.

This is proof that SiteLINK stores are getting spidered well and are deeply indexed.

Also, with the built in features specifically for Google (Froogle data feed and Google Sitemap Generator), SiteLINK is designed extremely well for SEO and for Google.

I invite you to give me a call to discuss any concerns you have, and to get more information and accurate information about SiteLINK and the SEO specific features it has, as well as the positive results we've seen since releasing SiteLINK 5.0.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#980 Intro- Pacific Coast Sunglasses, Inc.

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 04 September 2005 - 08:29 PM in MOM FAQ Introductions

Welcome to the forum George,

Having someone with at much history with M.O.M. as you is definitely a plus.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales

#976 osCommerce

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 01 September 2005 - 01:44 PM in 3rd Party eCommerce Solutions

Hello Dave,

That's a nice site. It's a very clean design, easy to navigate. I like the State License Plate Handbags. I've never seen that before.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#975 A Great Commerce Provider

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 01 September 2005 - 01:40 PM in 3rd Party eCommerce Solutions

Hello Dave,

Very nice looking site.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#955 Changing titles on different pages

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 24 August 2005 - 09:53 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

Give SiteLINK Support a call, they'll be able to give you some code to help you with this. Tell them to see me about it, if they have any questions.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales

#954 New to MOM

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 24 August 2005 - 08:30 AM in MOM FAQ Introductions

Hello Michelle,

Welcome to the forum.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales

#941 Changing titles on different pages

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 19 August 2005 - 08:29 AM in General Sitelink Discussion


What version of SiteLINK are you using? In the older versions of SiteLINK, my suggestion would be to create individual text files for each Department or Product and name it either with the department number, or item number. Then write some script that will include the particular text file in the <head> section depending upon which department or product page is displayed.

If you are using SiteLINK 5 then it automatically pulls a different title and meta information based on the data in MOM. It pulls the meta title from the product title, the meta description from the "Froogle" description field, and the meta keywords from the keywords field.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#887 SiteLINK 5.1

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 18 July 2005 - 07:47 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

Hello All,

I just wanted to let you know that by the end of the month we'll be releasing SiteLINK 5.1 which will have a built in Google Sitemap generator and also some improvements to the code for additional search engine optimization.

All SiteLINK customers on SiteLINK 5.0 will automatically get the update for no charge.

After we've released SiteLINK 5.1, we'll be immediately going to work on SiteLINK 5.2 which will have many new and improved administration reporting, such as most popular pages, entry and exit pages, most popular search terms, and many more. This update as well will be completely free to our SiteLINK 5 users.

I'll post more updates as I have them.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

SiteLINK Blog: http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/

#773 Google Spidering Dydacomp Servers

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 13 May 2005 - 09:50 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

Hello notehead,

This topic was started a while ago and that was before the new version of SiteLINK is released. It is true that since the older version of SiteLINK was built before SEO was as clearly defined, it had a lot of things inherent in it that were not search engine spider friendly.

However, that is specifically why we designed SiteLINK 5.0. We studied search engine optimization with dynamic websites in great detail and used the techniques to build a very spider friendly store program.

The complaints were from users using the older version of SiteLINK. With the new version, SiteLINK 5.0, our customers have reported tremendous improvement in their search engine ranks and in the number of pages that are indexed. Many have also commented in their actual online business doubling or tripling from before they upgraded to SiteLINK 5.0.

The proof is in the pudding, as you say, and I can give anyone who is interested references to speak to, just contact me.

I must also correct a mistake you made. You said that "people who are serious about it have moved on to customer service driven hosts", but you can't be more incorrect. Dydacomp currently hosts over 450 SiteLINK stores and we've seen our largest growth in the last 4 months since releasing SiteLINK 5.0. We've actually had many stores move back to SiteLINK from many of these so-called "SiteLINK alternatives" since releasing SiteLINK 5.0.

If SiteLINK is so terrible, why are so many people using, loving, and prospering from SiteLINK?

The fact remains that dynamic websites can do well in search engines and search engines are improving their spiders all the time to better search dynamic websites. SiteLINK, as well, will always continue to improve itself with better features, functionality, and search engine optimization... and trying to scare people away from SiteLINK will not work, because people know quality when they see it, and SiteLINK is a quality program, from a quality company, with a long proven track record.

As always, I'm fully open to speak to anyone who would like to have a conversation about SiteLINK or search engine optimization. Feel free to contact me anytime.

I'm always adding to my blog ( http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/ ), so check that out, as it gives great tips about SEO for your site, and continue to check me out as I'm published in the coolsiteoftheday.com Webmaster Newsletter with tips and information about SEO and the web.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#769 MOM & SQL

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 11 May 2005 - 02:44 PM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion


I started a new topic about where you can learn more about M.O.M. XL, check it out.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales

I was told by Dydacomp last year that a SQL version would be released within the first two quarters of 2005.  Any word on that release?

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#768 Learn all about M.O.M. XL

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 11 May 2005 - 02:40 PM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

Hello All,

I know that many have asked for more information about M.O.M. XL, so I wanted to post some information about where you can get all your questions answered about M.O.M. XL, as well as all the other Dydacomp MOM options available (M.O.M. Enterprise, M.O.M. SOHO, and SiteLINK 5.0).

The Annual Catalog Conference (ACC) May 23 - 25 in Orlando Florida. Click here for more info http://www.catalogconference.com/.

If you don�t already have tickets, we have some VIP Tickets available, so call Dydacomp today at 800-858-3666 to reserve yours.

Stop by Dydacomp�s Booth, #1033.

Many Dydacomp departments will be represented including representatives from the M.O.M. development staff, so make sure to come with your questions ready.

You can also learn more about SiteLINK 5.0. SiteLINK's connection with M.O.M. XL, M.O.M. Enterprise, and even M.O.M. SOHO is seamless. A shining star compared to the half-hearted and lackluster performances from other solutions that have tried to play this role of e-commerce connectivity.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

SiteLINK Blog: http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/

New Dydacomp Marketing and Graphic Design Services
* * * * Affordable marketing and graphic design! * * * *
We can assist you in creating advertising banners for link exchanges, graphical designs for postcards, designs for HTML email blasts, advertising for print or web, pamphlets, product literature, company logos, or complete corporate image design.

The new SiteLINK 5.0 User Guide is now available in PDF format. Ask for your copy today.

#766 Google Spidering Dydacomp Servers

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 11 May 2005 - 10:12 AM in General Sitelink Discussion


Thank you for the link to the article. It's very informative, but I believe may be a little dated. Search engines have improved greatly over the last couple of years in spidering and listing dynamic websites.

The rule of thumb now is not to have more than two special characters (? or &) within the URL, SiteLINK only uses one, so we are better than the standard. Too many variables can cause a spider problems, but one or two are fine.

SiteLINK also uses many pages that do not have any special characters at all, such as the sitemap page, about us page, etc.

There are too many dynamic websites on the internet for search engines to not improve their spiders to crawl them effectively, so you shouldn't be afraid of them. There are just things that can be done to improve how they get ranked. As with anything, there are pros and cons about every option available, and the more you know, the better you can make the choice work for you.

Dydacomp knows a lot about dynamic websites and search engines, because that's what we do for a living.

If anyone would like any more information about SiteLINK�s SEO features or for a demonstration of how some live SiteLINK stores are appearing in search engines, please feel free to contact me.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

New SiteLINK Blog: http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/

New Dydacomp Marketing and Graphic Design Services
* * * * Affordable marketing and graphic design! * * * *
We can assist you in creating advertising banners for link exchanges, graphical designs for postcards, designs for HTML email blasts, advertising for print or web, pamphlets, product literature, company logos, or complete corporate image design.

The new SiteLINK 5.0 User Guide is now available in PDF format. Ask for your copy today.

#697 SiteLINK Tech Support

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 01 April 2005 - 11:30 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

Hello Michael,

I apologize for you experience, and will personally look into what happened, and how to make sure it doesn�t happen again.

You always have ways to contact people at Dydacomp to voice your frustrations to if you wish:

Neal Wexler � Director of SiteLINK Sales � [email protected] or 800-858-3666 x260.

You account rep � 800-858-3666

Jeff Robjohns � SiteLINK Supervisor � [email protected]

If you ever feel that you aren�t getting the service you deserve, please feel free to contact any or all of us, and we�ll certainly help.

In the meantime, I�ll contact you personally to work through any of your outstanding issues.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

New SiteLINK Blog: http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/

New Dydacomp Marketing and Graphic Design Services
* * * * Affordable marketing and graphic design! * * * *
We can assist you in creating advertising banners for link exchanges, graphical designs for postcards, designs for HTML email blasts, advertising for print or web, pamphlets, product literature, company logos, or complete corporate image design.

#686 Using Sitelink Without the Sitelink Plugin in MOM

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 27 March 2005 - 12:34 AM in 3rd Party eCommerce Solutions

Hello Brian,

Thank you for your post.

Actually, I've sent out at least two emails with information about the Basket Only Version of SiteLINK. I sent out an email blast the second week in January introducing SiteLINK 5.0 and the different options that were available.

Also, information about this version of SiteLINK has been on dydacomp.com since January ( http://www.dydacomp....INK/hosting.asp ):

<<SiteLINK's Basket Only Hosting

Plug SiteLINK's basket technology and M.O.M. integration right into your current site no matter where your main site is located. A short script added to your current site adds items purchased to the SiteLINK basket every time the 'Add to Cart' button is hit. Import orders directly into M.O.M., publish order status and customer history, taxes, shipping charges, pricing levels, cross-sells/up-sells and much more. >>

I feel bad that for some reason you weren't able to get this information, perhaps we have the wrong email address in our records. I can update them on Monday when I get in.

I'll continue to try and make SiteLINK information as available as possible, which is why in addition to the email blasts I occasionally send out, I'll continue to update dydacomp.com and also the new SiteLINK blog: http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/

We've actually just started a new phone campaign to introduce our new Marketing and Graphic Design Services. Our graphic artist, Diego, is calling every MOM customer to introduce himself and the services he offers.

New Dydacomp Marketing and Graphic Design Services
* * * * Affordable marketing and graphic design! * * * *
We can assist you in creating advertising banners for link exchanges, graphical designs for postcards, designs for HTML email blasts, advertising for print or web, pamphlets, product literature, company logos, or complete corporate image design.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#684 Using Sitelink Without the Sitelink Plugin in MOM

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 25 March 2005 - 06:25 AM in 3rd Party eCommerce Solutions

Hello George,

Have you looked at the SiteLINK Basket Only option which is now available. It's a new option we have for SiteLINK, which wasn't available last year, so you may not have looked into it.

This is designed specifically for customers with HTML sites that they don't wish to change, but still want to take advantage of SiteLINK�s unique 2-way integration with M.O.M.

All you need is a little script we provide that you put on your site for each item's Buy buttons. This script is the same for each item, only the item number changes.

http://www.bradbury.com/ is a good example of a site using SiteLINK basket only. The site is static HTML, but when you add an item to the basket, you'll be in the SiteLINK part of the store. You'll notice the URL change to http://www9.mailorde...bury/basket.asp.

Notice how the layouts match each other, so it's practically seamless integration. We're able to match your site's layout, and can build almost any non-standard feature your store requires.

However, standard with basket only SiteLINK you get Address Book, Coupon Redemption, Multiple Ship-to Addresses, Order Status, Quick Order Form, 1-click order import, along with many other features.

Let me know if you would like to discuss this option in more detail.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

New SiteLINK Blog: http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/

New Dydacomp Marketing and Graphic Design Services
* * * * Affordable marketing and graphic design! * * * *
We can assist you in creating advertising banners for link exchanges, graphical designs for postcards, designs for HTML email blasts, advertising for print or web, pamphlets, product literature, company logos, or complete corporate image design.

#681 Installing Issue

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 23 March 2005 - 06:20 AM in General Sitelink Discussion


That shouldn't cause any problems.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales

#677 Installing Issue

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 22 March 2005 - 03:18 PM in General Sitelink Discussion


Thanks for all the pointers but I have tried them all and I still get the same errors. It's Windows 2003 Server -  do you know if that makes a difference?


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Are you still getting the same error?

Neal Wexler

#675 Installing Issue

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 22 March 2005 - 10:56 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

Hello Dan,

Even though Dydacomp doesn't currently support the old SiteLINK Toolkit version anymore, I researched this error for you and was able to find something that might help.

This could be caused by a couple of different things. First, try opening and saving the global.asa. This may solve the problem.

Make sure that "out of process" servers are enabled.

The "out of process" steps are in the old SiteLINK manual under Enabling SiteLINK on IIS.

If you do not have an old SiteLINK manual, you can download it off of the http://www.dydacomp.com support area.

The third thing to try is to check "dcomcnfg" settings also reference the SiteLINK manual for the section that explains the "dcomcnfg".

"dcomcnfg" should have one group that's not mentioned in the manual. It's IWAM_[your server name].

If you are still having problems after that, post here again, and I'll help however I can.

The issue may be above my head, and if I'm not able to help, I'll suggest contacting Mail Order Manager Helpers at 1-866-280-0350 or [email protected] who currently support the old Toolkit Version of SiteLINK.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
'Software Solutions for Direct Marketers'
11 D Commerce Way
Totowa, NJ 07512
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

#673 SiteLINK Blog

Posted by SiteLINKTeam on 21 March 2005 - 03:34 PM in General Sitelink Discussion


I've started a new blog specifically for SiteLINK.

I'll be updating it often, so please feel free to check in as often as possible, and feel free to post your comments on any topic. I want to develop the blog to give you the best information possible, and the best way to know what you want is if I hear from you.



Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
'Software Solutions for Direct Marketers'
11 D Commerce Way
Totowa, NJ 07512
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901