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#2870 Reprinting Invoices in MOM

Posted by dseibold on 08 December 2011 - 04:58 PM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

Now what if one item is committed and the other is drop ship? I went ahead and processed the card, thinking that the purchase order would print out as well as the invoice with the packing slip and pick ticket. And if I reset the order and reenter, will it try to charge the card again?

Thank you for your help.

First, if you have already charged the customer for the full amount of the order, resetting will not change anything and MOM will not try to charge again unless you change something and then it will want to charge or refund the difference.

Second, I wouldn't want to mess with your existing order at all... just leave it as it is. If you need a purchase order, make one by hand.

But, if you insist on doing the whole thing, do the following:
1. Make sure you have the two bins set up correctly as I described in the previous post.
2. Reset the order.
3. delete the drop ship line item.
4. add the drop ship item back to the order.
5. make sure you have it pulling from the correct bin - select the item and look for the "Pick Location" and verify it is pulling from the drop ship bin.
6. Verify nothing has changed in the financial side. (you may need to correct the shipping)
7. Print the order.
8. Cross your fingers and hope and pray that everything worked right... LOL

#2868 Reprinting Invoices in MOM

Posted by dseibold on 08 December 2011 - 03:41 PM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

Thank you! Another question, why is it that sometimes drop ship purchase orders don't print? Do I need to reset the order?

This is a complicated problem. Go through each of these steps with each item you are having a problem with.

Open the item in Stock Item Lookup
1. On the General tab, Make sure the "Allow Drop Shipping" box is checked.
2. On the Inventory tab, Check the "Bin Preference" Open the Bin Number (down arrow)
A. If you only have one bin, select it and use the edit button to make sure the drop ship box is checked.
B. If you have more than one bin, delete all of the extra bins.

WARNING if you have set up an item to both be in stock and available for drop ship, you will need two bins and the salesperson will have to choose a bin when they sell the item. The stock bin must show how many of the item are in stock. (I recommend you have a separate item for drop ship items and stock items)

If this does not cure your problem, check the supplier info to make sure it is set up correctly.

Your second question is: "Do I need to reset the order?"
If you need to have a copy of the purchase order, yes. otherwise, no.
If you reset the order, delete the drop ship item and reenter it.

If you have any further problems, just ask.

#2871 Reprinting Invoices in MOM

Posted by dseibold on 08 December 2011 - 05:02 PM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

Another thought...

If your item shows a BO code, it is not a drop ship - it's a back order.
If your item has a code of PB, it is not a drop ship - it's a back order.
Your drop ship item must be a separate line item.

#2866 Reprinting Invoices in MOM

Posted by dseibold on 08 December 2011 - 09:37 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion


I'm using MOM 5.4. How do you reprint the pick ticket and invoice with the packing slip?

Thanks in advance!

The easiest answer is to reset and repack the ticket. Look for the R icon and reset ALL. It will allow you to print a new A tag and new pick tickets as if you had never printed the order before.

#2892 How to change company name

Posted by dseibold on 25 June 2012 - 07:16 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

The only way I know is to contact Dydacomp. Your business name is part of your license to use the software.

#2851 Can't fin BO items

Posted by dseibold on 28 July 2011 - 08:19 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

You didn't say which version of MOM you are using.
In most cases, I would search for that item specifically in order status. Often order status will miss an order or two. I have found that a specific item search is much more accurate.

If you still can't find it, your database is probably corrupted by a power outage or some other unexpected system failure. Use dbuwin to correct the BO status in the stock table to zero for that item.

Good luck

#2897 Printing Composite Components on Invoices

Posted by dseibold on 24 July 2012 - 10:30 AM in Invoicing and Printing Issues

For those of us who don't use pick tickets, is there a way to print composite components on the invoice? Assuming there's not, has anyone found a good workaround?

We enter the composite list on the second description line.

Somesorta Kit

This has worked well for us for several years.

#2899 Printing Composite Components on Invoices

Posted by dseibold on 24 July 2012 - 12:13 PM in Invoicing and Printing Issues

What might you do if the second description line is already populated?


Find the place on the shelf where your composite item would go and put a sign in that location telling the puller what parts to pull.

BUT, This is not a good idea because when the packer is packing the box, he has no idea if he is putting the correct parts into the box.
So, do your best to clear the second line of the description so you can use that.

After 13 years on MOM, this is the best solution we have come up with.

#2854 Data Import

Posted by dseibold on 23 August 2011 - 03:47 PM in Order Import/Export

can we enter cash or money order payments as a payment method?

We use the check payment and enter CASH as the check number.
For money orders, do the same and we enter MO as the check number.

#2882 Mass Bin and Department Assignment

Posted by dseibold on 02 April 2012 - 12:18 PM in Order Import/Export

I am a very new user to MOM and i was told there isn't a way to assign your inventory's bin locations and/or departments amongst the initial excel form for upload using the import/export wizard. We have roughly 1300 items and many more to come and we are looking for a way to batch assign our products to their departments and assign bin locations without having to go through item by item and place them with their departments and their correct bin locations. The initial excel form has a column for bins but we sometimes have multiple bin locations and when we did and upload some would have partial bins, no bins at all, and none had multiple locations. If we could find a way to batch assign these things it would save us days of work, and would have a hard time understanding why something like this could not be implemented. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. We are running MOM version 8 in conjunction with Sitelink.

Thanks for any info.

Can it be done in the initial setup? NO
MOM doesn't create the bins in the initial import of data. You have to open each item separately and create the bins. This is something that MOM should have done but never did. The new crew at Dydacomp hopefully will tackle this problem soon.

Can it be done after the bins are setup? YES
Is it easy? NO

I presume you are using the FoxPro version of MOM. Unless you know how to program in FoxPro, you will need to pay someone to write a module to upload the bin locations.

If you are using the SQL version of MOM and know SQL, you can write a query in SQL to upload a data file and edit the bin locations.

Hope this helps.

#2888 Hardware/Software Requirements

Posted by dseibold on 07 June 2012 - 07:15 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

You didn't say how many users you have. We have 12 and don't use a 10K server.
We just buy the fastest server we can afford with extra ram and plenty of hard drive space.
Our server is dedicated to MOM and we have other servers to handle all of the other operations so there is no conflict.

SQL Standard is the minimum requirement and has worked well for us.
I understand that SQL Express does not have some of the required features for MOM.