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#2878 Exporting customers with customer number

Posted by jbeall on 02 March 2012 - 05:09 AM in MOM & FOX Database Issues

Hi All,

We're trying to export our customer information from MOM, and the first thing I tried was to use dbuwin to open cust.dbf and "Copy To" a spreadsheet.

This worked, except for the critical "custnum" column, which was missing from the spreadsheet! Here's the process I went through:

1) Launched dbuwin
2) Opened the cust.dbf file
3) Hit "browse"
4) Chose Table->Copy To
5) Chose "Delimited With Commas" for "File Type"
6) Clicked OK

I also tried "Excel Worksheet" for the "File Type" and got the same result.

How can we export the customer number?


Joshua Beall
Lamplighter Publishing