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#2118 MOM Fatal Error 2 - First File Date Error

Posted by phils on 15 May 2008 - 07:43 AM in Known Bugs, Work Arounds, and Fixes

We ran a backup of the MOM working folder. We are now receiving an error when we try to access MOM from the server and any workstation. The error is as follows:


The first file MOM has attempted to open has the wrong date....

The error then goes on to say to check the date and region settings which are all set properly on all computers.

Has anyone else encountered this?



#2121 MOM Fatal Error 2 - First File Date Error

Posted by phils on 16 May 2008 - 06:14 AM in Known Bugs, Work Arounds, and Fixes

The problem was caused by a backup program changing all of the File modification dates for ALL files in the directory to yesterday's date. Why it did this is beyond me and should not have happened. Regardless, MOM looks at the file modification date to tell if it has the proper version. Not the best system in my opinion - but that's what we are dealing with.

I got it working by finding an old backup and replacing the just the application files - If someone is going to try this - DO NOT OVERWRITE THE FILES ENDING IN DBF as these are the dateabase files which contain all of your info. Also, do not overwrite the company folders either.

By leaving the database files intact, we did not lose any order information at all. I will admit I was Sweating Bullets until I figured it out! :blink:

I hope this is able to help someone in the future. Good luck.
