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MOM Cust.dbf data file

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#1 Michael_R



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Posted 26 January 2010 - 03:25 PM

Hi All

Does this file CUST.dbf specifies ship-to and bill-to records, if not then how can I pull customers data out of MOM 5.4 with ship-to and bill-to addresses?

Thank you

#2 dseibold


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Posted 26 January 2010 - 04:33 PM

The CUST file is a list of all customers and all addresses.
The CUSTTYPE field will tell you if it is a bill-to or ship-to customer.
O = Address ONLY
B = Bill-To Address
S = Ship-To Address
U = Multiple-use Address

If you need ship-to and bill-to addresses for a specific order, you need to look at the CMS file for the CUSTNUM field for the bill-to customer and the SHIPNUM field for the ship-to customer.
David Seibold
Wild Horses, Inc.
Operations Manager

#3 Michael_R



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 08:50 AM

Hi dseibold,

Thank you for the information it is very helpful, I just have another question do you know what P stands for in CUSTTYPE row?

The CUST file is a list of all customers and all addresses.
The CUSTTYPE field will tell you if it is a bill-to or ship-to customer.
O = Address ONLY
B = Bill-To Address
S = Ship-To Address
U = Multiple-use Address

If you need ship-to and bill-to addresses for a specific order, you need to look at the CMS file for the CUSTNUM field for the bill-to customer and the SHIPNUM field for the ship-to customer.

#4 dseibold


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 10:13 AM

Hmmm... hadn't noticed that one. Which led me to discover I had mislabeled the O code.


The CUST file is a list of all customers and all addresses.
The CUSTTYPE field will tell you if it is a bill-to or ship-to customer.
O = Orders on File
B = Bill-To Address
P = Prospect
S = Ship-To Address
U = Multiple-use Address

Any other strange codes you find, just note the custnum and bring up the customer record in MOM.
The Status field will tell you what it means.
David Seibold
Wild Horses, Inc.
Operations Manager

#5 ypf1258


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 11:54 AM

please Note

the above info is for the "" addr_type """ field

#6 dseibold


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 12:11 PM

please Note

the above info is for the "" addr_type """ field

Obviously, my head must be half asleep! Thanks for pointing out my confusion...


The CUST file is a list of all customers and all addresses.
The CUSTTYPE field will tell you if it is a bill-to or ship-to customer.
O = Address ONLY
B = Bill-To Address
S = Ship-To Address
U = Multiple-use Address

The CUST.CUSTTYPE field will tell you the status of the customer.
O = Orders on File
P = Prospect (No orders on file)

Any other strange codes you find in the CUSTTYPE field, just note the custnum and bring up the customer record in MOM.
The Status field will tell you what it means.
David Seibold
Wild Horses, Inc.
Operations Manager

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