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Backspace key effects not constrained to current field

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#1 johnay


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Posted 27 June 2008 - 07:18 AM

MOM 5.4, build 12/6/2006

In many if not all forms, if I clear out a field by holding down the Backspace key, instead of stopping when the field is cleared it will jump to the next or previous field (it varies) and continue deleting text. Very annoying, and very dangerous giving the lack of any "undo" or cancel function in many screens.

Workaround: Hit the Home key to get to the beginning of the field (though I would check to make sure it didn't take you to another field - MOM is funny that way) and hold down the Delete key instead.

Hoped-for solution: Have Dydacomp finally move MOM into the 21st century and leave behind the DOS user interface conventions for those of Windows with which many many more people are currently familiar.

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