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Free Website Stats - www.evostats.com

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#1 Videoflicks2004



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Posted 14 April 2006 - 04:59 PM


I stumbled upon this link about an hour ago. www.evostats.com


Use Google Maps to find out where your visitors are coming from! (for free)

EvoStats is the coolest way of tracking your website visitors. Not only does it provide the normal statistics and graphs, we have incorporated the system into Google Maps! Instantly see where your latest visitors are coming from, and find out what they are looking for."

How it Works

Getting EvoStats running is extremely easy. Just follow the simple steps:

1. If you have not already, signup to EvoStats
2. Add your website to EvoStats
3. Copy paste the JavaScript onto your web site (available from your user control panel). It will publically show like a simple 80x15 button: EvoStats: Stats and Counter Service
4. Done!"

Cool stuff: GOOGLE MAP with the location of the last 100 visitors.

Did I mention it is FREE!!


David Narciso
Ecommerce Operations Manager CVS Inc

[email protected]

mobile: 4168238175

DISCLAIMER: Always backup your MOMWIN folder before attempting to perform any updates, testing, etc. Once you blast the data away it's gone forever.
My advice is based on my 8 years of experience with MOM and Dydacomp. If you are not comfortable with data manipulation then hire someone who is.

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