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Scan & Pack Tool

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#1 Videoflicks2004



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 05:51 PM


I've got an old Visual Basic script that works in tandem with MOM and MS ACCESS.

This program allows you to enter an INVOICE&INPART i.e. Invoice 102394A and then calls up all the items on the invoice.

You then scan all the items on the order and print a receipt. You may also scan multiple invoices at into the program. Great for large volume customers.

Anyone interested in taking on the challenge of tweeking this program. We'll tune it up and make it available to all members of MOMFAQ at no charge!


David Narciso
Ecommerce Operations Manager CVS Inc

[email protected]

mobile: 4168238175

DISCLAIMER: Always backup your MOMWIN folder before attempting to perform any updates, testing, etc. Once you blast the data away it's gone forever.
My advice is based on my 8 years of experience with MOM and Dydacomp. If you are not comfortable with data manipulation then hire someone who is.

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