Accounts recivable to Quick Books
Posted 19 May 2004 - 03:16 PM
Posted 10 August 2004 - 08:25 AM
we find that invoices, check payments, credit cards, and open accounts come across like MOM reporting shows; there are infreqent timing delays with credit card settlements, but nothing unmanageable.
mom nets numbers over to G/L; any accountant will tell you that netting is the work of the devil if you want to reconcile anything.
the payables side is not very good, but we have figured out a few tricks to improve the process.
finance in general in MOM is weak; it is a real weakness with their support staff - they don't have a complete understanding of the operational accounting requirements of a catalog business and how MOM supports those requirements. (some do, but it will take escalating your issue up the chain a little bit.) they have a hard time separating "we are not an accounting package" from "the invoice, A/R, COGS, and inventory, and A/P transactions in MOM are the foundation for your business information, and we know exactly how they interact with your G/L and accounting processes and here is how you process this or reconcile that..."
Posted 14 September 2004 - 08:29 AM
I have also had them looking at WHY these days do not balance. Some are off by a few dollars, no big deal. But on at least one day, all the COG values were included on the credit side! This equates to a huge negative cost of goods, yet all looks at inventory items shows reasonable and accurate costs. Dydacomp has not been able to tell me where this bogus data comes from. I have been browsing files with DBUWIN until my eyes are crossed and don't see where these crazy values can be coming from.
Has anyone else been experiencing anything like this? Any suggestions? Help!
Posted 14 September 2004 - 09:41 AM
i called a very good MOM consultant that i know and she said - "you're only off x dollars! you should feel lucky."
i found our issue. it was due to a "manual backorder" - system says it's in stock, but it's not and we have to adjust. MOM screwed up the transaction, but we had no way of knowing that it was an issue.
some tricks, use the post daily A/R balances in accounting setup. if it is on, you'll be able to find the day when you print the A/R posting report and then, hopefully, you can back into the transaction that broke. Also, when importing into QB, note the line where it breaks. you can see the IIF file in excel - it breaks at the end of the accounting period in question.
that day that breaks will not import into QB, so you'll have to do the J/E in QB manually. Account for the discrepancy there to make balance - obviously if you know what the issue is.
you cannot count on MOM for support here - they have no way to drill down on this. there is no report that they have. these little accounting issues are pernicious to find and resolve; you'd think that they would develop a set of reports and sell for a few bucks. or at least provide some MOM accounting training that goes with their standard MOM training classes (which are pretty good, btw.)
since there is not a report to see what is going to post before you post, i am not going to import file into QB without reviewing the post-posting report first.
hope this helps.
John Bace
Posted 31 January 2005 - 01:57 PM
Posted 03 February 2005 - 07:52 AM
We are attempting to integrate MOM with QB for the first time. Would you be able to provide any assistance with this process?
1. How do you format your export from MOM?
2. Do you use some type of middle ware to format the export from MOM into QB?
3. Do you have to set up each of your customers and inventory items in QB first before you can import the data?
David Narciso
Ecommerce Operations Manager CVS Inc
[email protected]
mobile: 4168238175
DISCLAIMER: Always backup your MOMWIN folder before attempting to perform any updates, testing, etc. Once you blast the data away it's gone forever.
My advice is based on my 8 years of experience with MOM and Dydacomp. If you are not comfortable with data manipulation then hire someone who is.
Posted 03 March 2005 - 10:07 AM
Hi John,
We are attempting to integrate MOM with QB for the first time. Would you be able to provide any assistance with this process?
1. How do you format your export from MOM?
2. Do you use some type of middle ware to format the export from MOM into QB?
3. Do you have to set up each of your customers and inventory items in QB first before you can import the data?
David Narciso
MOM automatically sets the export format (IIF files) that is used by QB. in the accounting section you choose the accounting package. QB for Windows. we check the "create a separate A/R J/E..." because it is helpful to see daily info on the G/L. we pay our supplier checksin MOM with has + and -. (see comments above.)
MOM has good instructions for syncing G/L in MOM and QB. the only dorky thing that MOM does with revenue is that it does not have a separate G/L revenue account for billed shipping. it puts it into sales. the only workaround is to create departments for your products/services. you can then separate out billed shipping. dydacomp needs to address this, but it is a low priority i guess.
there is no other s/w required. when you post A/R and A/P (we do once a month,) you just import the exported file into QB and you are done.
MOM handles all of the sales, inventory, COGS, A/R and A/P transactions. you don't have to set up customers or inventory or suppliers in QB. MOM just sends over the balances when you post.
create sep folders and files for each posting period (don't overwrite anything!). backup MOM before you post. backup QB before you import. print A/R J/E report - UNPOSTED transactions before you post in MOM and likewise for A/P.
you can send supplier checks directly to QB if you check the other box. it works, but we weren't ready to do that as we have worked out our process pretty well.
i'll be glad to answer any other questions.
Posted 19 January 2006 - 12:24 AM
i also have a trial version QB which I tried to import the files but QB says error on Line X .....
Which QB or Peachtree version do you guys use?
Do you guys pay supplier in MOM or QB?
help please!
thanks in advance
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