I am evaluating Shopping carts, and would like to hear from users that have integrated their site with MOM.
I am mostly interested in Carts that do not currently have MOM integration as an option.
I am leaning toward PHP/Mysql.
My initial observation is that most of the available carts have great features until you look into the back end and order status.
Overall I believe it would be much easier to take one of these carts and add a couple of tables to the database along with some scripting to pull up order status, rather than take a cart that is setup for MOM and attempt to change the front end.
Doing a quick test, I opened a copy of our MOM database in MS Access, Linked the box and boxcont tables and extracted it to a text file.
This worked fine, I will just need to hunt down the additional tables needed. Help here would be much appreciated.

If you have done something like this, or have any thoughts/suggestions, I would love to hear from you.
