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Ship_to: Customer Address for Items

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#1 jparram



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Posted 16 April 2008 - 06:30 AM

Using mom demo 5.0

I am trying to figure out how to determine who an item is being shipped to. In the Item.dbf there is a Ship_to field that seems to point to a customer stored in cust.dbf...but there are also null values and 0's in this field. What is a sure fire way to link an Item to it's shipping address?


#2 dseibold


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Posted 17 April 2008 - 01:50 PM

We don't use multiple shipping addresses so we use the following method:

Look up the order number in the order field in the CMS.dbf table. Then look at the Shipnum field and see if there is something other than null or zero. Otherwise use the number in the Custnum field.

Then look up the Shipnum or Custnum field in the cust.dbf table to get the name, address, etc.
David Seibold
Wild Horses, Inc.
Operations Manager

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