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#696 SiteLINK Tech Support

Posted by mila on 01 April 2005 - 09:30 AM in General Sitelink Discussion

I have inherited the administration of a partially developped Sitelink store in mid January. Without any experience with neither MOM nor Sitelink I relied on the MOM manual to familiarize myself with the program but there is no manual or set of instructions for Sitelink besides the Help files and that is limited and not always very clear so I end up calling tech support quite often. I find that the staff is courteus and helpfull when you can get them to pay attention to your needs.
Getting them on the fone is almost impossible unless it's at their own terms (meaning they will call you back when they can and if you happen to be on the phone they will simply leave a message rather than trying to get to you let's say throught the operator). By e-mail the response is even slower and if you send a request with a variety of issues ususallu half of them are forgotten and not addressed unless you remind them. I finally launched my site and the first 2 customers (that i know of) that tried to make a purchase where unable to do so. I sent an e-mail 3 days ago, 1 2 days ago and one yesterday asking for an explanation and help to resolve the issue ( I also included copies of the messages I got fromthe customers). Today I finally called and the MOM support agent had to rely a message from the Sitelink tech as no one could help at the time (this happens almost everytime I call and the MOM guys will not keep you on hold for long if you are willing to wait).

Am I the only one with these issues? I have the feeling that the tech support department for sitelink is terribly understaffed compared to MOM. I have been given the task to launch a second online store for the company and would like to take advantage of MOM as our staff is familar with the program, we have been considering purchasing the Multicompany Module and an additional sitelink store but I am concerned... i can't depend on Dydacomp to run my business, if I have a problem (big or small) I would like to have solved in a timely manner and I definetly don't whant to play the part of a secretary reminding the boss of the unfinished tasks he still needs to take care of ... Has anyone had better experiences with other companies?

I will close with a note on the staff, the individuals that provide the support... they are great and as mentioned above have always solved my problems when they where finally able to spend time on them. I hope their management will understand and look at ADDING TO the support staff rather then turning around and ASKING MORE of their staff. Even the MOM support staff is clearly frustrated and embarased as people like me beg them to find a solution that is different than "some one will call you"!

Michael Labella

#698 SiteLINK Tech Support

Posted by mila on 01 April 2005 - 12:12 PM in General Sitelink Discussion

For the record...

I was contacted by Neil and had a positive and honest conversation, thank you.
Obviously he is committed to making sure that his customers are satisfied. Apparently Dydacomp is expanding the Sitelink support department in order to accommodate the growing number of sitelink customers and their needs, I hope the Company is as dedicated and concerned as Neil is about it's customers, time will tell...

Michael Labella