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#2938 MOM v6 move/reinstallation

Posted by simplepchelp on 21 June 2017 - 04:33 AM in Off Topic Discussion

Dear all


I'm hoping someone might be able to help.


I've just started offering support for a local company who has used MOM v6 in the past. They currently have the software running on a remote desktop client on their server. The software is now only used for reference and no new orders are processed with it.


We would like to use the server for other things, which will entail wiping it and then installing Linux and therefore losing all current data.


I'm looking for any help please can give regarding moving/reinstalling on a local PC in their office:


1 - Where can I download the necessary installer?

2 - Is there any instructions for reinstallation/moving of the software?


Any help would be gratefully received!


Many thanks
