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#1881 mailing list

Posted by beccalori on 31 August 2007 - 07:13 AM in Email Issues & List Management

Does anybody know how to export customer list from mom without the lmm
The way we did it till now is we went in dbuwin.exe did open we selected cust dbf
And the did browse - table � copy to � selected excel worksheet and did copy just this year we have 23,000 customers and it only copy�s 19,000
I tried doing it with RR but did not help
[email protected] :(

Since DBF files are essentially compatible as Microsoft Fox Pro, I was able to link to a copy of the file using Microsoft Access, and the MSFOX Pro ODBC Driver.
I set this up as a recurring task to sync MOM customer data to other data warehouses and to sync monthly with my Email Service Provider for sending bulk customer mailings and announcements to my opt-in lists. The data is updateable, but I would suggest only pointing to Live data in single-user mode for bulk SQL update Queries, and of course ALWAYS make sure you have completed your daily backup in case things go awry in your script.

Joe Beccalori
MOM User

P.S. - I also use SiteLink, and I am working on modifying some of the core files to make the shopping cart pages more Search Engine Friendly. If anyone cares to share thoughts on this let me know.

SEO Consultant