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#1596 MOMXL problem: Memory File is Invalid??

Posted by momprb on 20 November 2006 - 03:01 PM in Known Bugs, Work Arounds, and Fixes

I just spoke to Paul Mendelsohn, our XL Implementation Engineer and he'd be happy to help you.

You can call him at 800-858-3666.

Lisa Gittleman
PR & Marketing Coordinator

Your prompt response is appreciated :), I have discussed the problem with him and will be working on the problem.

Thank You

#1594 MOMXL problem: Memory File is Invalid??

Posted by momprb on 20 November 2006 - 11:02 AM in Known Bugs, Work Arounds, and Fixes

I hope someone might be able to help here.

This is what the error states:

Error number: 55
Error message: Memory file is invalid
Line Number: 25434

I have tried installing it on to other PCs and they work just fine. It is just this one that is giving me this problem. I even reinstalled it and made sure nothing in my Registry has MOMXL. Cleared cache, cleared Virtual Memory, and Cold boot the PC. It still wouldn't open after installation with the same problem. What can be the problem?
