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There have been 3 items by noblenull (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#1610 OSCommerce Export

Posted by noblenull on 28 November 2006 - 05:26 PM in Order Import/Export

Has anyone come up with a viable export solution to get OSCommerce orders into M.O.M. (Mail Order Manager - Dydacomp)? I mean without using another software program to be the "go-between." Some sort of module...anything?


This would be pretty easy to code for oscommerce, using some of the existing order export modules. Checkout the contribution section on their site.

#1688 Mom Inventory or Purchasing EDI

Posted by noblenull on 10 January 2007 - 08:51 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

Has anyone messed with getting inventory information (price, quantity, etc) from drop ship suppliers via EDI? Is it possible to assign inventory numbers to drop ship bins? I would like my sales people to be able to see if the third party supplier has the item in stock.

#1601 Import Format Question - Prepaid Orders

Posted by noblenull on 22 November 2006 - 12:23 PM in Order Import/Export

Can any one tell me how an AUTH/CAPTURE transaction on a website should import into MOM? I have the Auth information available, but it seems like I should be leaving it blank and just fill out the total paid so it shows as a pre-payment? I would really like to be able to import the AUTH code too, but it doesn't seem possible. It seems to me that the auth code / info area is only for orders that are auth'ed on the website and captured in MOM.