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#2231 New Mom 6.0 customer needs help

Posted by massimiliano on 04 September 2008 - 09:16 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

HI everyone, I wish I would have read these posts before purchasing MOm and sitelink, is anybody currently satisafied with mom and sitelink basket? I read the early posts and nobody was, so Im curios now,

also if your using sitelink, did you have to manually put in every product, description and image, is there a way to import this information?

does anybody like the sitelink basket? its pretty expensive and doenst have all the features listed on the website that is said it had when I bought this, any other basket only that works with MOM, we have a great site already HTML built and dont want to switch yet to an asp.net website

anything anyone can tell me about sitelink basket and mom would be great, so far its been not fun at all,
thank you

Sorry you bought it. We ended up returning the product unopened when we realized the bad customer service it had and what we were risking. We found out they had sold us the product promising things it doesn't have. Good news is we have a different software that works great. Bad news is after 2 months we still don't have our money back!

#2230 Potential New User

Posted by massimiliano on 04 September 2008 - 09:11 AM in General Mail Order Manager Discussion

We are considering using MOM 5.0 for our order management software. Using coupons, cross-selling, upselling and continuity is vital to our business. Also the ability to claim multiple coupons and catalog specials are quite common.

Does anyone have any feedback from their experience?

Don't do it! No customer service at all, plus they promise you things that end up not being true after they have your money!